S6000 Series High-precision Primary Cell Test System
U.S. MACCOR Battery Test
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Product Description
The Maccor S6000 series is a device specially developed to meet the customer's demand for high-speed sampling. The sampling speed is as fast as 1ms and can run high-speed sampling for a long time to meet the customer's demand for recording subtle changes in the battery.
Features and capabilities:
Data collection:Each test can collect data through changes in time, current, capacitance, capacity, energy, etc. The minimum recording interval is 1mS. The system can continuously collect data at a rate of 1 millisecond on all channels. Each data point contains "scope trace" data, including current and voltage readings taken every 50 microseconds in the previous millisecond. Thus, if a data point is programmed to be taken every 1 millisecond during the test, the system is actually recording all current and voltage readings at a rate of 20KHz. All data, including "scope trace" data, can be viewed, exported and analyzed using the MIMS graphical management software provided with the test system.
Step size and control:Each test step can be edited for a minimum of 800uS or longer, with a minimum step time of 1mS. Test data and control are updated once 1mS
Time:System lock time to new commanded set point: current/power/resistance support 1ms, voltage set point less than 5ms.
Working conditions:The working condition simulation step allows importing external data into the test channel to run, supports current and power modes, the minimum working condition step time is 10mS, the time resolution is 1uS, the number of working condition steps is not limited, and multiple working condition steps can be run in the same test program. The system supports all channels running 10mS at the same time.
Performance characteristics:
The minimum step time: 800uS
Minimum data acquisition time: 1mS
Minimum working step: 10mS
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